Steak Smothers Brothers

  • Prep Time
    30 minutes
  • Cook Time
    2 1/2 hours
  • Serving
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Almost anything can be “smothered” in New Orleans cooking, which basically involves a slow braise in a vegetable studded gravy.  I picked up these chuck steaks at Dorignac’s and the butcher told me they were cut from where the “chuck meets the rib-eye,” and that they were grilling steaks.  But, I didn’t feel like firing up the grill and I thought if they were from the chuck, they could benefit from slow cooking.  So, I smothered them.  Which turned out to be a good idea because they were delicious.  AND, because I was pretty much raised in front of a television screen, the smothering technique also reminded me of the Smothers Brothers, whose variety show my sister and I watched as kids.  Although their political dissent went totally over our heads at the time, their show was canceled by CBS in 1969 because of their anti-Vietnam sentiments and scathing political skits.  Interestingly, they sued CBS for breach of contract and won.  So, now when I think of “smothered,” I think of their edgy comedy and what Tom always said to ****:  “Mom always liked you best.”



    Step 1

    Heat butter over medium high heat until sizzling in Dutch oven. Chop onion roughly, and saute in butter until translucent.

    Step 2

    Add carrots which have been peeled and cubed to the Dutch oven with the onion, and cook until the carrots are no longer crunchy.

    Step 3

    Add chopped mushrooms to the pot and cook until soft. Stir often with wooden spoon.

    Step 4

    Add the leaves of about 6 sprigs of thyme. Keep stirring.

    Step 5

    Salt, pepper & lightly flour the steaks. In a large skillet, saute the steaks in butter until brown on both sides.

    Step 6

    Add the steaks to the Dutch oven.

    Step 7

    Add beef stock and chili sauce to the Dutch overn.

    Step 8

    Let the steaks and sauce boil up, then reduce heat and either simmer covered on the stove or put in the oven and cook at 360 degrees for 2 hours.


    Serve with boiled noodles, noodle casserole, or potatoes.

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