- June 22, 2024
- by Cindy Williams
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Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
ENDIVE IS GOOD FOR YOU!!! According to Julia Rocha, Bachelor of Nutrition, these are the benefits of eating endive:
Endive has B-complex vitamins that are important for the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and for the proper functioning of the metabolism.
Endive has vitamin C that strengthens immunity and acts as an antioxidant.
Endive has vitamin A which is known to aid in eye health, serving to prevent vision related illnesses.
Endive is one of the main sources of beta-carotene, an important antioxidant for the body, this substance fulfils other roles in our body, it is good for the skin, hair, nails, bones and even for vision, as it protects the ocular surface.
Endive is a source of essential minerals for the balance and proper functioning of the body, such as iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, copper and zinc. They are important for blood circulation, strengthening muscles and bones, aiding mental and nervous health and strengthening immunity.
Okay, so where I am from we would pronounce “endive,” like this: IN-DIVE. However, I did take some French in college (ha,ha) so I prefer the prettier French pronunciation which sounds like this: ON-DEEVE. However, you pronounce it, this is a simple but elegant casserole that makes a perfect dinner on its own with a glass of crisp Sancerre. Endive is a member of the chicory family so it has some bitterness when raw but when you cook it, it develops a nutty flavor. The cheese I used in this casserole was delicious with the endive – it was an aged white English cheddar called, “Tickler” on the package and self-described as tangy and nutty (and it was). It was a bit crumbly when I grated it, but melted beautifully. I love casseroles au gratin, and have pretty much gratineed every type of vegetable I am familiar with. This casserole was particularly elegant and satisfying and perfect on a lazy Friday night when I was cooking for myself and enjoying the quiet that came after a chaotic week. What’s more comforting than something green smothered in melty cheese and buttery bread crumbs?
Endives au Gratin with Ham and Cheese
Prepare the endives by pulling off fibrous outer leaves and trimming the root ends. Rinse if necessary. Grate the cheese and set aside.
Heat a 10 inch skillet over medium high heat and toss in about 2 TBS. butter. When it is sizzling, add the endives and sauté until they have some golden brown edges and they are getting soft. This should take about 15 minutes.
Drain the endives for about 15 more minutes in a colander.
Make a Bechamel sauce. (Recipe on this site).
Assemble the casserole. Endives go on the bottom, then a layer of ham - or you could wrap the ham slices around the endives. Then pour the Bechamel over the lettuces. Then layer the cheese over everything and then sprinkle the bread crumbs on top. Drizzle a little melted butter on the crumbs.
Bake until bubbly and brown. At 350 degrees this might take 45 minutes but check it after 30 minutes and see how done the endives are. They should be tender and cooked through.
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Endives au Gratin with Ham and Cheese
Follow The Directions
Prepare the endives by pulling off fibrous outer leaves and trimming the root ends. Rinse if necessary. Grate the cheese and set aside.
Heat a 10 inch skillet over medium high heat and toss in about 2 TBS. butter. When it is sizzling, add the endives and sauté until they have some golden brown edges and they are getting soft. This should take about 15 minutes.
Drain the endives for about 15 more minutes in a colander.
Make a Bechamel sauce. (Recipe on this site).
Assemble the casserole. Endives go on the bottom, then a layer of ham - or you could wrap the ham slices around the endives. Then pour the Bechamel over the lettuces. Then layer the cheese over everything and then sprinkle the bread crumbs on top. Drizzle a little melted butter on the crumbs.
Bake until bubbly and brown. At 350 degrees this might take 45 minutes but check it after 30 minutes and see how done the endives are. They should be tender and cooked through.
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