Summer is in full swing and I am looking forward to my July vacay in Jamaica! Meanwhile the Family Law Committee had a nice luncheon-CLE at Antoine's on May 31st with the Hon. LaKeisha Jefferson. The judge was gracious as always, the gathering was festive and the Baked Alaska was delicious.

Peanut does not like these summer storms. When it rains, he insists that I hold him. Okay, well, maybe it was my idea.

I think I’m in a “cooking” slump.  That happens sometimes.  Yesterday (Friday) I spent all day thinking about what I could cook after work that would be fun, different and delicious.  But by the time I left the office at nearly 8:00 p.m., I had lost my enthusiasm for spending the rest of the night cooking.  So I made my daily pilgrimage to Dorignac’s and picked up a very macho looking cowboy ribeye, an oversized potato and some fresh fat asparagus. (I also had a nice conversation with my checker friend about her new kitten Niblet!)  A big slab of grilled beef slightly pink in the middle is a true reward after a hard contentious week.  By  8:30 p.m., the potato was in the oven, and the Big Green Egg was coming to temp.  I opened a bottle of wine and searched for a movie.  Dinner was delicious and the Tommy Lee Jones movie, “Finestkind,” (2023) kept me vaguely entertained.  Admittedly, I was not particularly riveted.  I’ve got to say I’m not sure I had the energy to BE riveted but if I’m going to watch a bunch of macho men on a tiny boat in dangerous waters I would rather have re-watched Jaws or The Perfect Storm.  Any way, it was a good quiet evening with happy dogs milling around and a good bottle of Peju Cabernet to mellow things out.  I’m trying to decide now what I want to cook for Saturday night… well… a shrimp bisque would be nice… or shrimp with pasta… maybe I’ll see what looks good at the seafood market in Bucktown… the weekend is off to a good start I think. Relaxing after a hard week is such a gift.

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